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  • Electronic Whiteboard
  • PLUS Copyboard is all in one copyboard solutions ( Seminar, Training, Meeting, Brain Storming, Scheduling)

PLUS Copyboard is all in one copyboard solutions ( Seminar, Training, Meeting, Brain Storming, Scheduling)

Update Terakhir
01 / 12 / 2019
Min. Pembelian
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18 kali



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Detail PLUS Copyboard Is All In One Copyboard Solutions ( Seminar, Training, Meeting, Brain Storming, Scheduling)

" Jual Paket Bansos E-Learning dan Papan Tulis Elektronik Interaktif Bansos SD, SMP SMA dan SLB 2013 / 2014 ( SESUAI JUKNIS) " Communication in several languages requires additional time for translating. Diagrams and charts shown on a PLUS Copyboard will make it possible for everyone to understand. INTERNATIONAL MEETING The use of a technical term or complicated formula is essential in a technical meeting, but it may be easier to explain the term and numerical value. by writing them on the PLUS Copyboard for the team to insure complete understanding. TECHNICAL MEETING A Brainstorming meeting requires each member’ s idea to be recorded. Each of these ideas can be recorded on the PLUS Copyboard. The list of ideas can then printed or saved on a memory stick or a computer. BRAINSTORMING MEETING The final results of a meeting can be better summarized and explained with the information recorded on a PLUS Copyboard. The use of the PLUS Copyboard will facilitate the understanding and all members will have the same meeting notes. FACILITATION MEETING The final results of a meeting can be better summarized and explained with the information recorded on a PLUS Copyboard. The use of the PLUS Copyboard will facilitate the understanding and all members will have the same meeting notes. DICARI DEALER & RESELLER SELURUH INDONESIA ! ! ! Hub : Derry 021-71525191 08158856102 E-mail: marketing@ Web: Untuk mendapatkan pricelist terbaru
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